F.M. AlexandertechnikStudio für F.M. Alexandertechnik Gabriele Breuninger

Introductions of the F.M. Alexander Technique

This is the right place to find books offering good ideas of the Who, What, How and Why of Alexanders method.

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For any question, improvement or correction, please call Peter Brunner
0049-69-6032 5577 or 0049-171-64 44 164 or send an eMail to

Author Title ISBN Price

Gelb, MichaelKörperdynamik - Vollst. Auflage 2004
Paperback   198 S.   290 gr   2004
8,50 €

For any question, improvement or correction, please call Peter Brunner
0049-69-6032 5577 or 0049-171-64 44 164 or send an eMail to
MetaWorks GbR, Peter Brunner ·
Runde Ecken Verlag, Frankfurt ·
Dielmannstr. 1 ·
60599 Frankfurt am Main ·
Germany ·

Telefon: 0049 - 69 - 60 32 55 77 ·
Telefax: 0049 - 69 - 60 32 55 73 ·
E-mail: info@at-ffm.de
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