F.M. AlexandertechnikStudio für F.M. Alexandertechnik Gabriele Breuninger

Alexander Technique Sources

Publisher of books etc. related to the Alexander Technique:

S. Karger AG is a publisher for science books which published 3 translations of the 4 books written by F. M. Alexander.

Mornum Time Press is a small press specializing in books on education, with its first six titles focusing on the F. M. Alexander Technique.

Mouritz Limited was established in 1995 for the purpose of publishing out of print material on the F. M. Alexander Technique.

GIA Publications, Inc published some books which combine Alexander Technique and Music.

David Reed Media published DVDs related to the Alexander Technique

The F. Matthias Alexander Trust established in 1991 in order to advance the education of the general public in the Alexander Technique and to promote research and study into all aspects of the Technique.

For any question, improvement or correction, please call Peter Brunner
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MetaWorks GbR, Peter Brunner ·
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60599 Frankfurt am Main ·
Germany ·

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